Purple party Welcomes Skills Klinic To Inspire The Youth

Purple Skills Klinic Foundation

Latest coming in through, Purple Party unveiling Purple Skills Klinic, a youth foundation aimed at solving unemployment. Earlier yesterday, the Purple party Ceo Douglas Lwanga on his social media, updated the Purple party fans and his Twitter following about the Purple Skills Klinic Foundation and how it is going to impact their lives as a youth.


UNVEILING THE PURPLE SKILLS KLINIC FOUNDATION. This is an initiative co founded by media personality Douglas Lwanga using the approach of Skills training to solve the Youth Unemployment challenge .” Douglas Lwanga

Douglas Lwanga - Purple Skills Klinic Foundation
Douglas Lwanga – Purple Skills Klinic Foundation

What is Purple Party?

Purple Party is an event that has become the Biggest Celebration of Uganda’s Music. They do Tours all year long and end in a Grand Event in December. It was launched by Douglas Lwanga, a co-host of the NBS After 5 show aired throughout the week. It has been running for some good years now and is an event well celebrated and welcomed by youths in different parts of the country.

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